America The Beautiful

Bryan Carlile
3 min readDec 9, 2018

I write. It is my nature to do so. I cannot help myself. So I write here. I write on Quora. I write novels. I write for my church’s newsletter. I journal. It is who I am.

I’ve come to notice certain things outside of my writing, namely this country. I grew up in America. I appreciate the freedoms we have. I even voted in the Presidential election, against the current guy in office. What i see is alarming. This country is going to hell in a hand basket. Since hell is merely a state of mind, it’s a shared nightmare.

How can a country whose values I consider my own be in such a dire state? It makes me want to leave. Having had certain health issues over the years, healthcare is at the top of my list of things needing reform. While I agree with Universal healthcare, the Obama plan clearly isn’t working. But those in charge now have no clue how to change things. Of the majority of civilized, progressive countries in the world, the U.S. is lacking in taking care of its people. We need a national healthcare system.

I swear, when my youngest is out of college, on his own, I will move to Canada, whether I can afford to or not. At least they take care of their own. I contemplated the U.K. but it would take more than I can afford to move there. I have a wife to think of.

I would be willing to make certain concessions if it meant that I had a country that cared for me as a person and not merely as a voter. Many of whom have been bought by the lies and deception of those in charge. It’s been said time and again, we have the best government money can buy. This country has become outcast in the world. We cannot afford to become isolationists again. We simply don’t manufacture enough of our own goods to effectively sustain the growth we experience.

It is a sad state of affairs that I would leave this country. But when I do, I will never look back. I will be forced to denounce my citizenship and take up citizenship in whatever country will have me. As afore stated, at this point, it’s Canada. It has the climate that I would like and the freedoms that I would enjoy. likewise, it has Universal Healthcare. Sure I’ll pay for it in taxes, but actually knowing where my money goes is better than the system here in the States.

I realize this is merely a rant, but sometimes we need to get things off our chest. Mine is the fact that this country is failing. It’s failing its veterans. It’s failing its elderly. Its failing its People. It is so that our graduates cannot compete internationally. America the great is quickly becoming America the least favorite. I want to be proud of my country. I want to take honor in the values I was raised to believe. I know this country can be great again. We need proper leadership. We need a return to family values. We need a true leader who will lead instead of attack. We need so much more than what we have.

Some day America will be great again. Unfortunately, I won’t be here to see it.



Bryan Carlile

Father, Husband, Novelist, Poet and Writer with 40 years experience.